Kal-El Carvalho is graduated and works as a Systems Analyst at the Coren-RJ.
Post-Graduating in Digital Marketing, he is son of a journalist and worked as a diagrammer in several newspapers in the countryside of Rio de Janeiro state.
Born in Nova Friburgo, in the countryside of the state of Rio de Janeiro, he lived for many years in Lumiar, a district that concentrates a large part of the city’s tourism.
Passionate about travel, photography, astronomy, rock, games and soccer, he has been to 3 continents and visited 13 countries, having as main destination Italy, where he visited more than 10 cities from North to South, including the island of Sicily.
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This is how he decided to write about his travel experiences and to help those who wish to travel throughout Italy in this and also anywhere in the world, no matter the destination, in O melhor de viajar (in Portuguese).